PAS 2035:2019 – Retrofitting Dwellings for Improved Energy Efficiency.

TCM // Architects are Retrofit and EPC assessors.

Retrofit and EPC Assessors

Target Carbon Management Ltd are Trustmark registered Retrofit Assessors and Quidos qualified EPC assessors.

PAS 2035 is the new over-arching document in the retrofit standards framework. PAS 2035 essentially provides a specification for the energy retrofit of domestic buildings, and details best practice guidance for domestic retrofit projects.

Retrofit Assessors are trained to undertake a retrofit assessment for dwellings in accordance with PAS 2035. The activities completed within the retrofit assessment include the production of an RdSAP assessment, a detailed floor plan, a condition report and an occupancy assessment.

The data collected from these sources is used by the Retrofit Coordinator to formulate a Medium-Term Improvement Plan. Accredited DEAs are well placed to become qualified Retrofit Assessors due to their extensive knowledge and experience with RdSAP methodology and assessment of existing dwellings

TCM combine Architectural Services with Energy Efficiency Design.

Green Homes Grant to demand PAS 2035

The Government announced in 2021 their ‘Green Homes Grant’ initiative, which is designed to help revitalise the economy and achieve their carbon emission targets.

The £2bn home insulation scheme will invite home owners to apply for a voucher for up to £5,000 to cover two-thirds of the costs of green upgrades such as insulation and renewable technology.